Muffle Furnace

Code: BAS-523

Optimized isolation and unique design are main factors for minumum heat loss and to keep outer surface temperature of main body & amp; front door minumum.

Low temperature at the surface makes possible locate the control unit at the top of main body. It makes users control the menu easily.

Heating resistance is designed very carefully. It is main item deetrmining furnace heating speed and working life.

Heating resistance is protected by quartz tubes against gases which come out in the chamber during heating process.

Fan system lets the weairng/ abressive gases come out the furnace through the chimney.

5,7 and 10 l capacities and open or closed resistance models are available.


4 line wide display and user friendly menu,

PID Controlled unit,

Precise temperature control (+/- 1°C),

Heating accelaration option between 5°C/min. - 25°C/min. ,

Direct or 2 stepped heating program

2 memory to keep 2 different program to be able to choose and use easily,

Sound warnings when the steps change and the whole heating program is ended,

Timer indicates total heating time,

Sound warning and automatic heating cut off system, if the control unit/control card is overheated to get rid of any overheating danger,

Sound warning and automatic heating cut of, if the furnace is heated over maximum heating temperature due to any reason,

Temperature calibtaion correction via Menu,

Digital PID Controller. 229-380 V 50 Hz

Product Code Product Name
BAS-523/1 Furnace 4 Lt.
BAS-523/2 Furnace 7 Lt.
BAS-523/3 Furnace 6 Lt.
BAS-523/4 Furnace 1,6 Lt.
BAS-523/7 Furnace 6,3 Lt.
BAS-523/8 Furnace 5 Lt.
BAS-523/10 Furnace 10 Lt.
BAS-523/11 Furnace 160 Lt.
BAS-523/12 Furnace 16 Lt.
BAS-523/20 Furnace 20 Lt.


besmak material testing