Thermometers and Stopwatch

Code: BGE-606, BGE-643, BGE-644

Digital , analog , mercury , alcohol models and pocket or hand types are available.

-50.. +150, 200 , 250, 300 °C digital,

-10.. +50 , 100 , 150 , 300 °C mercury and alcohol,

-50.. +50 , 100 , 250 °C analog.

Product Code Product Name
BGE-606/1 Stop Watch 0,01
BGE-606/2 Stop Watch 0,01
BGE-643/6 Manuel Termometer
BGE-643/14 Analog Thermometer (0-120 °C)
BGE-643/4 Analog Thermometer (0-300 °C)
BGE-643/22 Glass Thermometer 
BGE-643/23 Glass Thermometer 0°C /+360°C
BGE-643/5 Glass Thermometer -10°C /+100 °C
BGE-643/15 Glass Thermometer -10°C /+150°C
BGE-643/1 Glass Thermometer -10°C /+200°C
BGE-643/3 Glass Thermometer -10°C /+450°C
BGE-643/ASTM13C Glass Thermometer +155°C /+170°C
BGE-643/ASTM17C Glass Thermometer +19°C /+27°C
BGE-643/9 Digital Concrete Thermometer -50˚C /+150˚C
BGE-643/13 Digital Thermometer -50˚C /+300˚C, Long Probe
BGE-643/8 Digital Termometer
BGE-643/2 Max-Min Dijital Thermometre
BGE-643/31 Thermometer, 2 channel
BGE-643/26 Mercury Thermometer
BGE-643/30 Environment thermometer +10 °C /+50 °C
BGE-643/25 Digital Termometer
BGE-643/11 K Type Prob
BGE-643/19 Digital  Thermometer with Probe
BGE-643/10 Concrete Temperature Measurement Set
BGE-643/16 Thermometer -50˚C /+300˚C 
BGE-643/17 Laser termometre
BGE-643/18 High Temperature Thermometer 440 °C
BGE-643/INF-ST Infrared Termometre
BGE-644/1 Thermo Hygrometer


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