Manual Vicat Apparatus

Code: BCE-305/1

  • Standards:

    • EN 196-3 - EN 13279-2 (GYPSUM) - EN 480-2 - ASTM C187 - ASTM C191 - ASTM C807 - ASTM C451 - AASHTO T131 - DIN 1196 - DIN 1168 - BS 4550

Used for determination of setting time and consistency of cement. Mould, Beginning, Ending and water content needles are included.

Product Code Product Name
BCE-305/1 Vicat Test Set Manual Type
BCE-305/1.1 Vicat Needle Set for Manual Type
BCE-305/1.2 Vicat Mould (ASTM)
BCE-305/1.3 Vicat Glass Plate (ASTM)
BCE-305/1.4 Vicat Final Needle



Weight App. : 6 kg



besmak material testing